2008年8月18日 星期一

聲之動plus 劉軒DJ, 9月6-7日紅樓超時空演出

聲之動 + 劉軒DJ民族樂聲 + 電音







劉軒有個知名的父親劉傭,大概五、六年級生多是閱讀著劉傭的勵志文章長大的。這位常常成為父親書寫主角的兒子,現在時尚及音樂界闖出一片天,還主持多個專欄,名氣不亞於父親。劉軒早期在茱麗亞音樂學院主修鋼琴及作曲,深受紐約街頭文化、hip-hophouse music的影響,後來進哈佛大學研修心理與音樂。曾為陳美、Moloko等國際藝人製作混音,在台灣受邀為許多知名品牌活動設計音樂,是時尚圈搶手的DJ



演出:劉軒/ DJScott Prairie /貝斯&中阮、謝韻雅/人聲、羅堂軒/二胡、吳政君/打擊樂、謝華洲/吉他&中阮


時間:9/6 Sat. 3:30pm, 9/7 Sun. 7:30pm

地點:台北紅樓劇場 (西門捷運站1號出口旁)

Red House, Taipei (next to Xi-Men MRT exit 1)

票價:NT500. (團體十人NT400. group ticket )


洽詢:兩廳院02-33939888,聲之動0921970323 (小寶)

聲動網站 www.amovingsound.com 02-26663206 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A Moving Sound meets DJ Liu Shiuan
“an exciting development in the progression of both traditional and contemporary Chinese music…..joyous, evocative and enchanting” The New York Public Theater

A Moving Sound based in Taipei has performed at many international festivals through Asia , Europe and North America . AMS has created a new musical expression that fuses Taiwanese, Chinese and neighboring A sian musical ideas to create inspired and engaging modern song compositions. Songs are performed on Chinese instruments such as Erhu and Zhong Ruan, as well as Western instruments. Transcendent vocals and dance by lead singer Mia Hsieh, transport listeners to where only the highest art can take us.

In this program, AMS will collaborate with famous DJ Liu Shiuan, who first met Mia when both featured to present Taipei on a program created by Lonely Planet for The Discovery Channel. SL is a sought after music consultant and top veteran DJs for many of Taiwan ’s most exclusive engagement. LS’s background is unique; coming from Juilliard as a classical pianist and the underground music scene of NYC as well as being a bestselling author in Taiwan

This collaboration between LS and AMC has created exciting new compositions with an improvisational vibe and electronic elements for new audiences to dance with and enjoy! Please see www.amovingsound.com and their myspace page for more info.

Performers: Lio Shiuan /DJ, Mia Hsieh/ vocal, Scott Prairie/ zhong ruan&bass guitar, Alex, Zheng-Jun Wu / percussion, Tang-Hsuan Lo/ erhu, Hua-Zhou Hsieh/ guitar&zhong ruan


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